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How To Get 540 Signups Per Month For Free

I recently read an article by Tara Reid called How I Win 1000 Signups/mo. by Hacking Social Media.

It gives you a really clear and easy road map to getting 1,000 app signups or email opt-ins per month.

However, the big problem I had with it, is that it would cost you a minimum of $679 per month to replicate her strategy.

Maybe you have a ton of money lying around, so this isn’t a problem for you. But if you don’t, I’ll show you how you can get 50% of her results for free.

What You Should Not Do

First, I want to start by telling you what you should not do, because knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do.

Reid used Pinterest advertising to reach half of her 1,000 signups per month goal. She spent $300 per month to achieve this.

I haven’t found a way to get paid advertising for free, so you can’t apply this method for free.

So you might not get to 1,000 signups per month without doing this.

But fortunately, you can still get 540 signups per month for free without doing this.

How to 10X Your Traffic From Twitter

Reid increased her traffic from 1,000 visits per month to 10,000 visits per month using a tool called Socedo.

The only problem with Socedo: plans for Socedo start at $300 per month.

Fortunately you can do exactly what Socedo does for free. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Identify the keywords your ideal customer is using in their tweets.
  • Use Twitter search to find people tweeting with those keywords.
  • Follow the people you identified.
  • Add them to a Twitter list.
  • Like their tweet 24 hours after following them.
  • If they follow back, send them a direct message that asking if they want to signup for your lead magnet or app.

How This Drives Traffic

  1. People see your direct message and click on the link you sent them to signup.
  2. People see that you followed them and read your bio and click on the link in your bio.
  3. People see one of your tweets and click on a link in your tweet.

But This Sounds Like A Lot Of Work

This sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it?

Fortunately, there is another way to do all of this without spending hours of your time each day doing this by hand and  without paying $300 per month or more for Socedo.

Keep reading and we’ll tell you how at the end of this article. But first I’ll show you the second strategy that Reid used to get 540 signups per month.

How to Increase Your Link Clicks by 13X

Reid went from 267 link clicks per month to 3,500 link clicks per month by using a tool called MeetEdgar. As you can guess, the only problem is that MeetEdgar costs $79 per month.

Here’s what Reid did to get 3,500 link clicks per month:

  • Since she had 25 articles on her site, she wrote 14 unique tweets for each article
  • Then she used MeetEdgar to post 25 tweets per day for 14 days

You can do the same without using MeetEdgar. All you need to do is:

  • Create a spreadsheet and write 350 unique tweets that link to your website
  • Start at the top of your spreadsheet and post several tweets per hour to Twitter until you hit 25 tweets for the day (you could also use an app like Buffer)
  • The next day do the same thing
  • When you’ve posted all 350 tweets start over from the beginning of your speadsheet

Why This Increase Link Clicks To Your Website

The average Twitter user spends 13 minutes per day on Twitter, so the chances of them seeing any one of your tweets is extremely small. The more you tweet, the more likely they will see one of your tweets and visit your site and ultimately sign up.

By using these two strategies, Reid was able to generate 540 signups per month.

You Must Be Joking, That Is Way Too Much Work

By now you must be thinking that is way too much work for me. And you are right.

Did you think you would come this far and I would leave you hanging? Fear not my friend.

How to Save $4,548 and Hundreds of Hours Per Year

We’re building an app that combines the best features of MeetEdgar and Socedo and we’re letting a select group of people like you, use it for free for one year.

How much is this worth? $4,548 ($379 x 12 months). Oh yeah, it’ll also save you hundreds of hours doing all of this by hand.

What’s the catch? There’s gotta be a catch, right?

We’re going to let you use it for free for a year and then when you’re hooked, we’re going to jack up the price from free to $379 per month, right?


If you’re one the the lucky people we select, you’ll be grandfathered in at only $37 per month, a 90% savings from what we are likely to charge when we officially launch.

So why are we really doing this?

We’re looking for early adopters who can tolerate an occasional bug or two and who will give us the feedback to make the best product possible.

We believe that if we offer a tremendous value to you, you’ll help us by spreading the word about what we offer so we can spend more time creating a great product and less time marketing.

Give us your email and we’ll send you all the details.