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Cold Emailing Tips from Tucker Max

Cold emailing is really tough to do well these tips from Tucker Max, who received 25,000 cold emails at last count, will help you write a cold email that gets results.

  1. Tailor the message to the recipient: Put yourself in their shoes and make sure your message is interesting to them.
  2. Validate yourself: mention someone both of you know, demonstrate why you are important or credible, or find a commonality to mention.
  3. Alleviate their pain or give them something they want.
  4. Keep your email short and easy to take action on.
  5. Be appreciative and vulnerable. Saying “Thanks so much! I am really grateful,” will double response over only saying “Thanks”.
  6. Don’t use a template. Templates come across as impersonal and will reduce response.

To read the full article go to

50 Most Engaging Social Media Updates


Don’t know what to say to engage your followers, so that you can get more traffic to your website and make more sales?

Here are 50 Fill-in-the-blanks status updates that are sure to get liked, re-tweeted and drive traffic to your website.

  1. “<quote>” – <name or handle of person who said it> #hashtag
  2. #Trivia: Who knows when our business first opened our doors? We’ll retweet the first winning answer.
  3. {Holiday|Season} is almost here! Get <bonus or discount> if you purchase within the next <number of days> days. Visit our store: <link to your store>
  4. <Article title>: <link to article> #hashtag by @handle
  5. <Photo caption> #hashtag <attach the photo>
  6. <topic your audience finds difficult> doesn’t have to be tough! Want <whatever benefit they get from mastering the topic>? Here’s a simple guide to how you can easily do it all by yourself: <link to guide>
  7. <Your industry title> buy today and get <special bonus or discount>. #<hash tag of holiday> <link to your online store>
  8. <Your opinion> > <Article title>: <link to article> #hashtag by @handle
  9. Missing out on my insider’s only advice, biggest discounts and most compelling offers because you’re not on my email list? Get on my list today: <link to your best converting email optin page>
  10. Are you on the road to failure? Be sure you don’t commit any of these <your industry> catastrophic mistakes. <link to blog post of common mistakes in your industry>
  11. Are you ready to get <compelling benefits>? You might feel that this was totally designed for you: <link to sales page>
  12. Bookmarking this: <link to especially good blog post>
  13. Busted! I caught you wasting time on social media again. Why not put your time to good use learning <topic that they care about>: <link to the post>
  14. Did you know that <strange fact>? <link to article> #hashtag
  15. Don’t know how to <something your reader really wants to do, e.g. generate traffic from social media automatically>? I created the ultimate guide to <topic>, so you’ll know exactly what to do. Get it here and become an expert at <topic> in no time: <link to your guide>
  16. Don’t let your <business activity> fail. Learn how to <business activity> here: <link to guide about activity> #hashtag
  17. Don’t waste your time and money on <alternatives to your product that do not work>. Instead, go here and start getting <benefit of your product> right now: <link to your sales page or email optin page that delivers one of your free resources>
  18. Everyone’s talking about this post on <topic> in our comments section. Join the conversation and say what you think: <link to blog post with a lot of great comments>
  19. Getting started with <topic>? These are the tools I use every day: <link to tools & resources page>
  20. Have you tried <amazing solution to a problem your audience has> yet? It might make life much easier for you. Check it out: <link to solution>
  21. Here are the exact <tools, resources or people> that I use every day to get <three big benefits>: <link to blog post that lists what you use to succeed>
  22. Here’s one of our most popular posts: <link to one of your most popular posts> Don’t miss out on it!
  23. How does <blog post topic> affect you? Please head over to our blog and share your thoughts in the comment section: <link to blog post about this topic>
  24. How to <topic> and <related topic>. Read this to avoid the pitfalls that snare everyone else: <link to tutorial>
  25. I get asked this question all the time: <question you get asked a lot> Here’s what I tell everyone: <link to post where you answer the question>
  26. I had a ton of fun writing this post because <reason why it was so much fun>. <title of blog post>: <link to blog post>
  27. I read everything <twitter handle or facebook name> writes. This is definitely not an exception: <title> <link to post>
  28. I’m so excited. <name of your blog> was featured in <name of blog where you were featured>. Check out the post and learn why <your business does something a certain way>: <link> Thanks to <screen name> for featuring me!
  29. I’m SUPER SERIOUS about this: <link to a post about something you always do and the reason why>
  30. Inspiring Quote
  31. Is <one side of controversial topic> better than <other side of controversial topic>? See which side I’ve landed in. The answer might surprise you: <link to post where you share your opinion>
  32. Just created my new {about|home|resources} page and I’d love to hear your feed back. What do you think? <link to your new {about|home|resources} page>
  33. Need expert advice on how to <do something>? Today we’re sharing <number> insider tips from <@username> #Tips
  34. Need help with <topic>? <screen name> covers everything you need to know: <link to their blog>
  35. New to <topic>? Here’s a quick intro to if you have questions about #hashtag: <link to intro to topic>
  36. Struggling with <solving a certain problem>? Here’s a guide that covers everything you need to know: <link to a guide>
  37. Struggling with <topic>? Here’s a cheat-sheet to get you unstuck fast: <link to cheat sheet>
  38. The secret of <something people want>. This is the ultimate resource to help you <benefit>: <link to ultimate guide>
  39. Think every <title of person in your niche> has to <task that they hate>. Think again, here’s why: <link to your blog post showing why that task is unnecessary or a way around having to do it>
  40. This is really important, if you don’t do this chances are you are going to struggle to <achieve some benefit>: <link to a blog post about a really important business fundamental>
  41. This is the one thing I always say NO to: <link to blog post about a common industry practice that you refuse to do and the reason why>
  42. This post <link to post> covered everything I needed to know about <topic>. I’ve never acted on what I learned so fast in my life. Thanks, <screen name>.
  43. Tons of valuable insight on #hashtag in this post by @handle – <link to post>
  44. Want <special offer, bonus or early access>? Once we hit <number of retweets> retweets. We’ll unlock this incredible <special offer, bonus or early access>.
  45. Want a spreadsheet of these tantalizing tweets so you can edit and use them? Enter your email below. I’ll send you the spreadsheet and also <list of bullet points>
  46. What is the best {tool|software|resource} to do <something important>? #<a relevant hash tag>
  47. Why didn’t I know about <screen name> sooner? Their post on <topic> totally rocked my world: <link to post>
  48. Wish you knew what happens when a <job title> tries to <something weird that you’ve tested>? Find out: <link to blog post about what you tested>
  49. You’re totally going to want to bookmark this one: <title and link to really in depth post on a topic your readers care deeply about>
  50. Are you ready to succeed at <topic>? This the best way to get <key benefit> fast: <link to blog post that lists what you use to succeed>

Social Media Advice: 7 Things I Learned From Katyan Roach

katyan-roachKatyan Roach (@KatyanRoach) is a social media strategist who helps entrepreneurs with their social media strategy. She helps them create a vibrant social media presence by showing them how to craft attention getting, engaging content that helps them attract new customers and grow their business.

1. Is social media still valuable in a recession?

Yes, customers naturally gravitate to the businesses that are on the top of their mind. If you cut back on social media during a recession your customers may begin to forget about you and switch to one of your competitors who is engaging them on social media. Recessions are an opportunity to set yourself apart from your competitors, one way to do this is to stick with your social media marketing strategy, even if your first impulse is to cut back.

2. How do you stay on top of all of your social media accounts?

The best way to do this is to use software that connects to all of your social media accounts and centralizes all alerts, mentions and notifications. This way you won’t have to login to ten different social media accounts everyday or receive a ton of alerts on your phone. One possibility (and there are many others) is AgoraPulse.

3. What is Periscope?

Periscope is a live video streaming app. If you have a smartphone you can broadcast live video to your followers and to the world.

4. Why should I care about Periscope?

Periscope is growing extremely rapidly and already has 10 million users. If your customers or ideal prospects are likely to be on a social network that skews younger, Periscope may be an ideal place to reach them.

5. How should I use Periscope?

You can use Periscope to give a behind the scenes tour of your business, launch new products, answer frequently asked questions or show people how to use your product. One thing to keep in mind is that you should always include a call to action at the end of your Periscope session. What is the one thing you would like your viewers to do?

6. What are common mistakes business owners make on on Facebook?

Posting too many sales pitches: Facebook users don’t want to be sold to, the want to be engaged and entertained. Not responding: if someone asks a question, answer it; if someone complains, respond and try to make it right. Not using Facebook Insights: it can show you the best type of content to post and the best time of day to post it.

7. How to get noticed by Twitter influencers

Help them out: follow them, retweet their tweets and engage with them. Give them feedback: tell them what you enjoy about their content. Support them: buy their products and put their advice into action.



Kleon Media Marketing:

The Upside of Social Media in a recession:

AgoraPulse: Social Media Management’s Best Kept Secret!:

10 ways to use Periscope to reach more customers:

3 things you’re doing wrong on Facebook and how to fix them.:

How to get noticed by influencers on Twitter, in 3 easy steps:

Social Media Marketing: 7 Things I Learned From The Social Savior


social-media-marketing-thesocialsaviorThe Social Savior helps small and medium sized businesses attract and retain new customers through social media. It can help you build relationships with experts in your industry and turn your business into a brand by creating and sharing compelling content for your business. They are experts at building an audience and creating share-worthy, search engine friendly content that will lead to more fans and followers and more sales through social media.

1. How does social media marketing benefit your business?

It will help you attract new customers, improve customer loyalty, give you more chance to make a sale, increase your brand recognition, increase your website traffic, improve your search engine rankings and give you deeper insight into why customers buy from you instead of a competitor.

2. Why do you need a social media manager?

If you want your business to grow, you need to be on social media, because social media is becoming an increasingly important source of new customers. But managing your social media presence takes a lot of work, so you can save time by hiring a social media manager. They will more than pay for themselves with the new business they generate.

3. What do social media managers do?

They create engaging, high quality content that attracts new customers to your business, and posts this content to your social media accounts. They optimize your content for search engines so that you get more visitors and customers by being at the top of the search results. They engage existing customers and new prospects on social media so that they are more likely to buy from you.

4. What are the most important aspects of a social media strategy?

Focusing on the most relevant social networks. Just because a network has the most users, it doesn’t mean that it is best place for you to get new customers. Customer service is critical. Word about poor customer service spreads like wildfire through social media, so always treat your customers well and be proactive about problems reported through social media. Marketing strategy is vital. Find creative ways to be newsworthy, make sure your content is relevant and engaging.

5. Why you shouldn’t do you own social media marketing?

It takes a lot of time and effort that are better spent on your business. You don’t have the expertise to determine what content to post and the best time to post it. You won’t know about major changes to the algorithms that drive the different social networks unless you are willing to stay on top of industry trends. You don’t know what are the networks you need to be on and which networks will waste your time. You aren’t objective when it comes to negative publicity and you may end up saying something that harms your business in the heat of the moment.

6. How to succeed in e-commerce with social media marketing?

Focus on the social networks where your ideal customers hang out, don’t waste time other social networks. Study what your competitors are doing and only emulate what is working for them. Give your social media followers special offers that they can’t get anywhere else. Take full advantage of visual content like photos. Use analytic software to determine what is working and do more of it. Focus on the best social networks for your business and avoid the time suck of the other networks.

7. Why are hashtags important?

Hashtags help your posts get discovered on social networks. By using popular hashtags, more people will see your posts. But make sure you only use hashtags that are relevant.


Social Media Managers: What They Do And Why You Need One:

What Are the Most Important Elements of Social Media Strategy?:

Why Handling Your Own Social Media Marketing is Not a Good Plan:

10 Top Advantages of Social Media Marketing To Small Businesses:

5 Tips for Succeeding in E-Commerce with Social Media Marketing:

Discover a Social Media Marketing Strategy for Non-profits: